2013. december 13., péntek


In the beginning there was the Sound, the Music. The Divine Voice which said: Let there be light. Let there be World. (In hungarian: vilag, vilagossag, megvilagosodas) This is the tale of the Universe God is Music. Everything is Music. The Creator and the Whole process (then and after) is Music, Sound. Vibrations, Frequencies, Existence.

2013. október 13., vasárnap

Every Day, Every Moment is a Gift. Thats why is called Present. (that aint mean that everybody lives decently with what he gets)

Every Hour is Earth Hour.
(that aint mean that everybody cares about Environment and Recycling)

Every Border, Every state is just an estimate drawing on the map
(that aint mean that one grass is Belarusian and the other Polish)

Every Human is a Woman or a Man or all in between.
(that aint mean we are not all Animals)